Since my colleague down the hall is frequently chatting about the books he is reading, I thought I would make an attempt.
Friday I started The Gospel According to Starbucks by Leonard Sweet. It is currently required reading by our Indiana Bishop. The Bish' has a bundle-o-books that we United Methodist pastors in Indiana are reading this year.
I must confess that I am having a very difficult time 'getting' what the authors intends. I don't think it is his writing style (he has a great style) or the difficulty level of the text (it doesn't have many $5 words in it).
Here is the truth: I don't like coffee. I tried it once in seminary and that's been it. My visits to Starbucks are simply ride-alongs when my husband honors his addiction. Hot tea, Earl Grey, is my hot drink of choice.
I'm only on page 35 and I am not sure that the author will deviate from his tryaid about coffee and church... to discuss tea metaphors and church. Is there any gospel out there for me and my tea? Gospel According to Chai, perhaps?
I can't think of a gospel about tea, but I can give you my perspectives on tea and coffee. For me, coffee is a precursor to action. I drink coffee to be motivated. Tea is an invitation to come and sit with an old friend.
Coffee, or at least what I drink of it, Latte's are basically a means for me to get up or stay up. Many nights did I require a Venti(that's the big one) Non Fat Latte with extra vanilla to get me through the long night of writting whatever paper I should have written weeks before. It's a means to end the urgency which was put in place by procrastination of some sort regardless if I'm writing a paper or just not wanting to go to bed. Yes I'm addicted, but I figure I'm adding to the economy and besides, I like the taste.
Like Mark says, coffee sets things in motion. Caffeine definitely stimulates the brain (at least I think better). I drink coffee at night with Becky (sometimes)when it's time to wind down.
I did see a book that I thought was right up your alley though. It's entitled, Praying With Beads. It has just been published by Eardmans on their spring list.
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