Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I cannot get myself coordinated to write my goals for this year. Just not happening.

However, as I have been preparing for a funeral service of a Calvary member today I have been reminded of all the things that I want to do before I die.

So here is my list of Life Goals (in no particular order).
  • visit the Grand Canyon
  • swim with dolphins
  • have a book or two published (one of them being poetry)
  • take ballroom dancing lessons with my sweetheart (husband)
  • introduce my daughter to the giant Sequias
  • go back to Paris and Chartres, France
  • ride in a convertible in the northern Italian country side
  • walk as many different labyrinths as my feet will allow me
  • try out for the Pace Mates before I reach 40
  • Meet Dickie V (again)
  • Take my sweetie to Hawaii so he can eat at the original Roy's
  • add more great things to this list!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've got plenty of good ideas to add to your list.

1 Fight and defeat a bear with your bare hands.

2 Win a duck-calling contest.

3 Find a way to get your name turned into a verb as in, "He Michelled that project all the way to the bank."