Thursday, December 17, 2020

Christmas Greetings!


Eric, Michelle, Diana, Daisy, and Barley


All our best Love and prayers,

Our Christmas letter begins backwards.  Because, why the heck, not?!?  It is 2020, after all!  Everything else this year has been upside down, inside out.  We have pivoted, adjusted, cancelled, and re-arranged!  So my letter reflects that.

And yet, if you look at our family photos from 2020 you will see smiles, laughs, silliness, family, friendships, adventures, and fun… maybe in 20 years these joy-in-the-midst-of-sorrow-and-dramatic- change can be the best we remember from this upside down year.  Merriest of Christmas to you and yours! Bring on 2021, baby! 

Michelle… and Rhonda, the other Blonde-Chick-Who-Loves-Jesus, were able to provide two Life Fuel Retreats before the world retreated into their homes.  Michelle published several faith articles in our county paper; collected more rejections (e.g. badges of courage); provided spiritual direction to a growing number of directees; substitute taught girls bible study; mentored a seminarian; joined an alumni team of spiritual directors; and spent time, energy and prayers to nurture local pastors in her position as Associate District Superintendent for Central District of Indiana Conference (of the UMC).  She tried new recipes and planted 108 begonias along with 67 spring flower bulbs! 

Barley & Daisy… grew to successfully annoy one another this year.  They play, sleep, bark, romp, guard our back yard from murderers, and eat well together.  Our quarantine time meant extra snuggles for us and plenty of walks for them. Neither of which they made an objection.  Eric wants to get #3!!

Diana… was able to squeeze in Solo & Ensemble contest (district and state) and one Robotics Competition with her Team#3176 Purple Precision before the world shut down. We marvel at her GPA (higher than her parents), her rigorous academic load, and her keen knack to get things to fit nicely into the refrigerator.  She works hard, enjoys her flute lesson via video conference, hangs out with her youth group/Soul Sistas & cousins, and has begun her driving practice.  Also, our sweet 16-year-old spear-headed the naming of our new trees: Betty, Bob, Gunther, Clay, Willa, Wilbert, and Terra. 

Eric… was the only human family member unfazed by the quarantine since he has worked from home for years.  He just met more people in the kitchen at lunch time!  Working on his classic ’77 Porsche 911, searching for toilet paper, long drives, ghost hunting, finishing Michelle’s honey-do projects, deer hunting, and avoiding social media brought Eric both random joy and fulfillment this year.

As you can see from our Christmas card the Knight family was able to make two trips this year… we joined Auntie in Florida during January and Michelle was able to be in her dear friend, Jamie’s wedding! In July we physically distanced in a North Carolina cabin to enjoy the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Our doodles were wonderful travelers on that trip and LOVED all the mountain smells!   


Dearest Friends and Family,


Christmas 2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

When Life is a Threshing Floor: Chronicles of 2020*

  A dear colleague described living life this year as “…a constant threshing floor.” Now, I may be a farmer’s granddaughter, but I needed to pause and consider that image for a good long moment. 

 I found in my research that ancient threshing floors processed various grains. Communities shared these circular stone areas. Farmers would pulverize their corn or wheat under the hoofs of their animals or with tools. The chaff and stalks separate by the pressure and intensity of constant pounding. 

 Unyielding pressure and intensity does sound a lot like 2020, doesn’t it?! We each feel tossed, trampled upon, and torn apart in our own ways. With my curiosity kindled, I re-read Holy Scripture to understand more what this image of threshing floor might say about our lives today.

 Sometimes Bible writers use it as a metaphor to unpack abundance and provision for both real and spiritual harvests. Re-read Ruth 3. Perhaps today there are those among us who find 2020 to be a time of abundance and provision: open calendars presented new opportunities for spiritual reflection and prayer; extra time with family because we are not commuting to the office; or we share with others out of the abundance we have received. 

 Other times the threshing floor is a message about judgment because of the separation. Check out 2 Samuel 24:18; Luke 3:16-17. Like a crucible fire that re-fines and re-shapes, some of us may experience 2020’s threshing floor as a re-molding, re-shaping, and re-fining time for our personal lives and choices as well as how our church represents Christ to the world.    

 Finally, the last portion of us may experience the threshing floor of 2020 as a season of suffering and pain: being beat down, pulverized, trampled over, and ground to a pulp. Paul describes this well in 2 Corinthians 6:4-5.   

 As I pray for you and I on 2020’s threshing floor, I am reminded about a time in which Jesus himself spoke about the threshing floor.  In Luke 22:31-34, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, Simon, look! Satan has asserted the right to sift you all like wheat.  However, I have prayed for you that your faith won’t fail. When you have returned, strengthen your brothers and sisters”(CEB). How amazing that Jesus prays for you on the threshing floor! He’s got you- in the grip of prayer- no matter what The Evil One would like to do!!

 Friends, as we continue to be Christ-centered within Central District, let us remember, even on the threshing floor of 2020, that …1) Jesus Christ has first loved us (read again I John 4:19); and 2) that Jesus Christ intercedes for us so that we will keep our faith and encourage others. 

Our faith, because of Jesus’ prayers, will not fail no matter if we experience abundance, judgment, suffering, or a mixture of all three! Thanks be to God that Jesus meets us on the threshing floor of 2020!


On the floor with you,


*Originally shared in the Central District Newsletter of the Indiana Conference of UMC

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Momma Prayer for our Nation

Mothering God, 

who gifted our Lord Jesus with an earthly mother in Mary, 

hear my Momma prayer for all the grown-up kids and children of my nation.  My lap isn't big enough to hold everyone, but your lap is.

Comfort your people, as you would a young child who is overcome with emotions, frustrations, and weariness.  

Hold us firmly in your loving arms.  We need your strength now more than our own efforts.  

Listen to your children's cries.  Hear our prayers.  Be attentive to us.  

We are many different voices with unique perspectives.  And yet the emotions underneath our various cries speak the common language of our fear, anger, weariness, sadness, frustrations, hurts, and yes, even our loneliness.  

Our feelings are so very strong and powerful.  So forceful in fact that many of us are hurting and harming one another, ourselves, and our communities- by what we do and say or by what we leave undone or unsaid.  

Moreover, we have given too much attention to the blistering illusions presented by the Prince of all Lies... We need YOU to be the loudest voice we hear.

Honor our wounds.  

Blow heavenly kisses on our worries and pain.  

Heal us.

Wipe away our tears.  

Grant us a holy time out.  A deep quiet space with you holding our hearts.  

Feed us what our bodies, minds and souls need.  Nourish us upon Your truth, grace, kindness, forgiveness, courage, hope, and compassion. 

Snuggle us up into your Holy Lap.  

Tell us a story of your greatness, your strength, and your vision for how we and others live together with you in joyful unity!  

Sing us your song.  

Pray your prayer over us.

Finally, then hold us until we fall asleep to dream GOD-sized dreams.  

Dreams of You and your Kin-dom to come.  

Holy us close, Holy Parent, Mothering & Fathering God.

And never let any one of your children go from your embrace.



Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Otterbein Parade Reflection

Who doesn’t like a parade?! Parades are fun for everyone whether you watch or participate! The Central District sponsored a Support Parade on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, for the Otterbein SeniorLife Community. Sadly, their residents and staff have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The parade was – in real time – to show our appreciation toward the daily heroes who provide amazing care to the residents and to encourage those who have been isolated from family and friends.

Well over two dozen vehicles which included golf carts, muscle cars, SUVs, vans, jeeps, a church bus, and an old Model T honked, waved, and drove around Otterbein’s campus.  I share my appreciation for Bishop Trimble, Conference Superintendent Aleze Fulbright, and Chaplain Reverend Owen for their presence and leadership.

For those of us who participated it was a joyful thing to “do” as an expression of love and support. In addition, participants’ hearts were gratified to be together in the action of showering others with love.

For those who witnessed our parade and read our signs; their smiles and enthusiastic waves reflected the joy received. We heard shouts of “hello”, “thank you”, and “God bless you.”

My teenage daughter took the morning off from her online learning as a “field trip.” She confessed to me that meeting all of her mother’s co-workers was worth it so that she could honk and wave. However, it was my daughter’s reflection about the parade’s larger significance that followed me home.

Her final thought as we pulled out of Otterbein’s driveway was, “Momma, I don’t get it. We should do this {parade of support} all the time. Why does it take a stupid virus to get us to do this… thank the nurses and give a parade for the residents?! That is just so dumb.”

Oh, the mind of a teen! Yes, there has been so much this pandemic and its repercussions have taught us about being the Body of Christ in such a time as this. To my teen’s remark, just maybe our learnings from this experience invite us to practice crazy, fun appreciation in every season.

As we seek to be a healthy Body of Christ and plan for our re-engagement of in-person worship and ministries, I pray Hoosier United Methodists will focus on the essential purpose of what we are about – offering love, appreciation, thankfulness, silliness, hope, encouragement, wonder, value of others, and joy. Moreover, this parade reminded me that when the invitation to be Church is clear and purposeful (i.e. shower others with love), disciples show up! 



**this article was shared in our district newsletter...

COVID 19 World Prayer


God, our Great Physician-

bless the healing front lines of our global pandemic...
all those who work in medical and pharmaceutical care; all who care for elderly nursing homes/hospice/group homes/mental health facilities; all those who work and care for those in prison; we are grateful for their healing and caring gifts!

bless the leading front lines of our global pandemic...
elected officials and government agencies, universities, school districts, faith community leaders; business (small thru large) owners; we are grateful for their leadership in difficult moments.

bless our first-responding front lines of our global pandemic...
EMT's, law enforcement officers, and fire fighters; we are grateful for their willingness to serve and protect.

bless all of us on the front lines of our disrupted lives...
as every aspect of our lives is overturned by what we face.

YOUR generosity, YOUR hope, YOUR light, YOUR kindness is shown, seen, and demonstrated by so many already! We are grateful. We are thankful. We are joyous, even in these turbulent, demanding times, in WHO you ARE, Mighty God!

O God in Whom there is NO Darkness at ALL, grant us good humor; long standing patience and kindness; inner resolve and strength; generosity which begets generosity; and fresh opportunity to witness YOUR might in the face of fear/disruption/unknown/anxiety.

This is a precious moment in which we can HOLY PAUSE on all aspects of our lives and our life together. Our season of Lent just got more real, which also means Easter's hope is more real as well.

Let us not waste this ripe opportunity to dig deeper into our inner faith and our commitment to serve others.

This is YOUR moment O God to witness YOUR people...doing no harm, doing good, and staying in love with YOU!

Shine BRIGHT through us, we pray, as Jesus is - truly- the Light of the World. Amen.   

                                    By Rev. Michelle L. Knight 3/13/2020  

But IF Not Faith


Today I pray you…

feel appreciated and valued for being who you are and living your call; but if not may

you continue to be faithful to God.

have all the energy and enthusiasm needed for life and ministry; but if not may

you stay faithful.

And your family and friends are healthy and well, but if not may

you persist to be faithful.

hear kind, encouraging, and thankful words from others, but if not may

you persevere to be faithful.

have more days of joy and wonder than days of sorrow and despair, but if not may

you remain faithful to God.


May you have “but if not” faith from Daniel 3:13-18; as our God in Jesus is faithful to you. 


You are prayed UP,



Now What Are We Gonna Do?

  Now what are we going to do?  Living amid COVID 19 pandemic shifted what normal looks everywhere including worship and even summer block parties. 

Now what are we going to do? Living amid social unrest elevated hurt, angry voices as many cry out against racial injustice within our nation. 

Now what are we going to do? To even ask this question counters the temptation to wait for the “next bad thing to happen”. 

First, I choose to pause mid-pandemic and give thanks for God’s faithfulness during this crisis. My gratitude abounds for faithful lay and pastor leaders who conquered huge adaptive challenges to continually comfort and lead their congregations through this time.  I am even grateful for blunders because those missteps deepened discipleship growth. 

Second, I choose to respond to racial injustice with a pivotal learning from my COVID 19 experience. While the faithful have been separated during our quarantine; my appreciation of how important all God’s children are to God and to the Beloved Community (which is Church) was amplified. Being present together matters.  A hurt on one part of the Body of Christ impacts us all especially as life here is practice to live eternally in heaven. 

So, what will I do with this learning? As I seek Jesus’s help to undo the damage which the sin of racism causes in me and others; I choose to intentionally invest in relationships, partnerships, and friendships with folk not like me.  Yes, I can learn from what I read, hear, or watch. Yes, I can unlearn behaviors as I journal, reflect, and pray about my blind spots and missteps. Relationships, as the Trinity models, are the best crucible classroom for repentance, forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation.  All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor 5:18).

Your path to answer the question might be different.  But, dearly beloved, let us together seek to the answer; now what are followers of Jesus going to do? 

**This article appeared in the Hendricks Co ICON: Brownsburg/Danville Edition August 7, 2020