Last week I spent time with 1,800 preachers from a variety of mainline Protestant denominations from North America! It was, in other words, preacher camp!
And it was awesome for a preacher nerd like myself!
Wow! To the left is a photo from Central Lutheran Church a congregation of 600 which hosted half of our preaching services and lectures during the week.
To the right is a photo from Westminister Presbyterian church which hosted the other half of our preaching services and lectures. Within walking distance of each other we were able to move to and fro in order to fill our souls.
I must say that my preacher-soul was fed to overflowing, filled up, preacher out, washed and cleansed, renewed and redeemed, powerfully encouraged and hopeful!
WOW! Gotta go again to preacher camp!
Thanks to my husband and daughter who made it through the week without me, our conference for my continuing education grant, and my congregation/staff for letting me alone for a week! And my UM colleagues who I was able to deepen friendships with during our time.