This month may be a record of the least blogs ever written in a month. It is not because I don't have anything to say, but rather there is a too much to say. And the stuff that needed to get done had higher priority. Here is a list of things I could've blogged about, but didn't:
- Put my dog on allergy medicine for third round of itchiness this summer. He gets his own spoonful of medicine twice daily!
- Uprooted and harvested the last of our garden crops. Carrots this year were great! And found a baby bunny living in our tangled tomato vines.
- My husband's attempt to out-bake my chocolate zuccihini bread turned into a total fiasco in baking. (but the kid had fun helping!)
- Watching my mother and aunt attempt to provide care for my ill grandmother has all sorts of material to ponder, muse and mull... could have been funny, or tragic, or poignant or weird blogs too.
- List of ways to survive a Chuck E Cheese birthday party (that do not include alcohol) with your 7 year old and her 7 friends.
- A non-fiction article on how to best edit your book while sitting at the hospital with your dying grandmother and snoring mother.
- and a blog about the "pumpkin that almost wasn't". Our daughter has been growing pumpkins and watermelons at Grandma Jo's farm. Her pumpkin plant there had over 35 blooms and only one pumpkin!
Sadly, I haven't taken the time to write about any of these little adventures. I'll just trust your imagination to fill in the gaps that I could have written about OR I will simply mine these treasures another day.
Oops, gotta go. The dishwasher stopped swishing. Dry cycle is so un-creative.