Our youth director, mentors and I will be taking a whole gaggle of confirmands and their stuff on retreat this weekend. It is our time of year to make this special trip. And we will attempt within a 24 hour time period to:
- teach the Confirmands what Christian worship is and isn't
- teach them what the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism are and are not
- have them experience three different and distinct Christian worship styles
- give them a chance to play together
- help them realize how loved they are by God and our congregation
- consume large amounts of carbonated beverages and calories
- sleep on a hard floor
- get one table (hopefully it will be the Table of Galations) to earn enough points in order to win fabulous prizes!!!
Wish us luck! Send your prayers our way! We will need them and benefit from them. If I have dark circles under my eyes next week- you know I am still recovering from my lack of sleep.