Michelle L. Knight; pastor, author, spiritual director, retreat leader, poet and grant writer
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Failed, Flat Out Flunked, and Fired
Three pathetic cherry tomato plants limp themselves along my back deck. Over watered or under watered, over fertilized or under fertilized- I do not know which only that these little specimens of vegetation are barely hanging on to life. They look awful.
Surprise of surprises, but the two hot peppers plants that my preschooler has been yelling at for the past 32 days- are thriving! Healthy green leaves, vibrant stems and stalks.
Maybe we should have been yelling at the tomatoes too... sigh. Perhaps I need to stick with what I am good at... like theology and not biology.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
All Dads Must Read This
In fact, I may make it required reading for parents of Confirmands, my goddaughter's father, and my niece's dad. My husband in fact wants to read it again- this from the guy who isn't usually the book nut in the house!
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker, MD is in paperback and a very easy quick read. Riveting, though, about the significant role dads can and need to have in their daughter's lives. Dads make a difference. A HUGE difference.
Please get yourself a copy at the library or bookstore and read!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Books, Seminars, Classes, Books again!
- Antony Flew's There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind
- Donald Spoto's The Hidden Jesus: A New Life
Besides all this reading, this week has been a time (post Easter & post Confirmation) for me to look ahead at my continuing education plans for the year. Part of planning was a result from attending a seminar on Tuesday for all the Indiana clergy folks. (Got even more reading ideas there.) Part of it is that I better get some things scheduled ASAP or else.
So, I am playful with my picks this year. You might notice a theme when I tell you what is on the agenda. Last Spring I had such fun in a writing course that I am going back for seconds this spring/early summer. Not sure how much the writing has improved... Writing for Children will be the focus of my efforts this year. Stories for kids keep floating around in my head.
Then, in July I am eager to attend a wonderful conference sponsored by the UMC's General Board of Global Ministries- Focus 2009: "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" A Quadrinneial Conference for all People in Ministry with Children. Indianapolis is the host city which is very appealing!
As I sign up for workshops, my stack of books beg me to read them (like my dog looks at me for a scratch, or a treat, or a walk)... these titles are a bit more eclectic than my workshops/classes. I'll let you know how they go.
- Listening to God: Spiritual Formation In Congregations by John Ackerman
- QBQ: The Question behind the Question by John G. Miller
- The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
- Do the Right Thing by Mike Huckabee
So, the only question remains, as my plans are set and I open another book today, how are you growing your self this Spring/Summer?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
During the course of the confirmation class we talked about how the ancient Hebrews were uncomfortable speaking or even writing God's name in Hebrew. So they left out the vowels and we can only guess that YHWH is to be spelled and spoken as YaHWeH.
These followers of God wrote like that out of respect. They knew that to know someone's name was to have power over that person and since we, humans, cannot have power over God they were not about to write or speak God's name aloud in that way. So we have lots of names for God in the Old Testament like- El, El Shaddai, Elhoim etc.
Anyway in order to contemporize this idea for our confirmands, I often referred to our Lord as G*D when writing God's name on the board for discussion. Several of the student caught onto this idea and wrote/spelled G*d the same way in their Faith Statements.
I think they wanted to show me that they had paid attention in class. I only hope that they can repeat what I have just written explaining WHY we write God's name this way.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Proud of you!
I am so proud of you! Congratulations on your achievement of completing the preparations for confirmation. Most of all I am proud of your willingness to allow God to move through your life so that you can come to today's celebrations with great joy, hope and promise!
God is proud of you and so is your church family. Welcome. We, as the Body of Christ with you, look forward to joining you in the great eternal work of saving souls for eternity.
Bless you!
Thanks for helping me re-confirmation my faith in G*d.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Confirming week...continued
Right after our 5pm worship service, the baptismal candidates, their families and friends, Todd and I will hike down the hill towards White Lick Creek. (I've got my creek shoes ready!) Andrew and Todd have been working on the area to clear out any extra brush and tall grass. They assure me that there is no poison ivy!
We are excited as a church family to welcome these new young believers into our midst. Tomorrow the excitment continues with 2 more baptisms and then all 21 will be confirmed in the faith of Jesus. (After that I shall be taking a needed nap!)
Go God!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Confirming Week Continues
We've learned a lot in these interviews. Students are very honest and transparent (a lesson for our government officials). They think so uniquely and are themselves so special (a reminder for teachers everywhere).
What has been most fun is hearing their comments about their mentors. "She was AWESOME!" "He was nice." "I liked that she brought me presents." "He likes Legos too!!" "She and I had a lot in common!" "He helped me alot!!!"
Remarkable to note that none of the students have asked us to retire or fire these volunteers for next year. Each is willing to share their mentor with someone else and in fact highly recommends their grown-up.
In a culture that would try to sell us on the fact that we don't get along inter-generationally; in a world that fragments us into peer groups; and in a climate that thinks either kids are too stupid or adults don't know anything (depending on which perspective you have)... how refreshing, how exciting, how controversial, and how counter-cultural that for fifteen weeks 21 students and 21 adults LIKED being together! They learned from one another. They hung out.
You know what?!- I believe that this can only happen effectively and meaningfully within the context of Christian community. And thank God it does!
Because the truth of the matter is- we need each other in the church in order to more productively and efficiently BE the CHURCH!
Thanks be to God for our wonderful mentors and our fabulous students who have proved yet again that... the world is wrong.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Confirmation week
Andrew and I have about 12 more interviews to go through, a keepsake brochure to create, thank you notes to write, bulletins and certificates to prepare etc. Please pray for warm weather on Saturday because we are baptizing 5 students in the Whitelick Creek behind our church property. (If it isn't warm- can anyone loan me a wet suit??)
As these students confirm their faith- I must confess that I am re-inspired, re-dedicated, re-newed, and re-juvenated in my own faith! Hearing how their understanding of G*d has grown, how they find worship more interesting now (that they know how to pay attention to what is happening), how they find the connection between serving others and loving G*d, etc- is so invigorating!
Thanks be to God for all these students, their mentors, and their families!
Easter Morn
Worship was wonderfully inspiring with the colors, flowers, smells, and sounds of brass, handbells, organ, and voice! If you didn't notice at the 9am and 11am services- I became all weepy and teary during the pastoral prayer- couldn't help it- was simply caught up in the glory and wonder of the gift of this day. (Thanks to my Mark Kay lady for great eye products that didn't smudge inspite of my tears!)
We spent the afternoon with an egg hunt- compliments of the Easter Bunny at our house and a long visit with my husband's family.... more food, more candy, and more conversation! A great day- I hope yours was great in it's way too!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Holy Saturday is Full
Not sure if the Pope had a day like ours, but it sure has been full!
He is Risen!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good? Friday
Today's remembrance of an ancient act of long ago connects all of us with the Holiness of God because our unholiness is such a block/chasm/rift that we cannot reach God without God helping us. That's why this is a 'good' day.
Come walk and wander our labyrinth today as a way to be with God. To thank God for this gift. To sit with the meaning of today's good and perfect gift. Come walk and pray.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Thursday is for Holy
Sometimes I wish we could pause on this day a bit longer as we move through Holy Week... but the reality must be accomplished so that the wonder of Easter rises among us. Sigh. May it be so.
May your Thursday be holy.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Our Garden
We also purchased three cherry tomato plants which are growing quite happily in a pot in my dining room along with Eric's selection of two hot pepper plants. He told Diana that the way to make the peppers hot was to shout and yell at them everyday. All this yelling is supposed to(according to Eric's story) make the peppers mad which in turn will make them taste hot.
We can tell everytime Diana is in the dining room because we hear her shouting at the peppers! "You crazy peppers! blah blah blah..."
Maybe we aren't the best gardener/farmer role models for her...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spring breakin'
Bears and butterflies at the zoo send their regards (sharks do too). Indoor Splash Island in Plainfield was very fun and tiring(and crowded). The Lego Castle and Carousel were awesome at the Children's Museum (lines were l-o-n-g!).
Yesterday was a playdate day with another favorite preschooler... kite flying, finger painting, playing house, marbles, Candyland, bubbles, and bikes. Very fun day at home. And today we went for lunch with Nana and Papa in Greenfield. (I got a nap!)
I haven't got as much reading in as I would like, but I have been filling up my journal (which is always a great thing). I am caught up on my scrapbooking again. And we made our Easter cards yesterday.
Sometime soon I need to finish my errands as the Easter Bunny for you-know-who. Sunday afternoon we will be coloring eggs because as you know it will snow here on Monday.
The only thing that would have made this vacation absolutely perfect. Well, two things actually- if Eric were with us and we were all at the beach. Sigh. That will be our future.
Til then, I think I shall go read while my little one decides to nap.